Wednesday 1 July 2015

Chromebooks vs Laptops.

If you are choosing your next computer and weighing up the pros and cons of Chromebooks vs laptops then hopefully this post will explain the difference and help you decide..
After a lot of research, I recently bought my first Chromebook – an Acer C720 – as my laptop is on its way out with various issues, so I can explain my personal situation and reason for this choice.
I’ll assume you all know what a laptop is , so will skip straight to a quick overview of Chromebooks…

What is a Chromebook?

Right now, Chromebooks are basically a device set up to run the Google Chrome web browser and its various apps and extensions, but little else.
This may sound limiting, but think about how much of your day to day activities involve nothing other than a web browser – email, blogging, social media – even word processing and spreadsheets if you use a cloud based solution like Google Docs. So is that it – just a computer that offers less?

The Benefits of Chromebooks.

1. Chromebooks are cheap! They typically sell for around the £200 / $350 mark.
2. They are portable. These are devices for basic computing and internet use on the go, so usually weigh in around 1kg – less than half the weight of your typical laptop. The screens are smaller at around 11″ while laptops will tend to be more like 15″.
3. They are quick. Because they are not bogged down with so many programs, they boot up in just a few seconds, which is great for just jumping online to communicate or get some thoughts written quickly.
4. Great battery life. 6 hours plus of use is pretty standard.
5. Built in security. Antivirus is included and this, as well as system updates, is updated automatically.
6. It forces you to modernise:. This is the big one for me. The whole set up is geared towards 100% cloud computing and embracing apps and online storage with Google Drive. I already had one foot in and one foot out, which meant that I was never sure which important documents were on my laptop or Google Drive. I know many are concerned about the security side of cloud computing, but as an individual, I think the risks of my data being lost on a broken / lost / stolen laptop are greater....

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