Wednesday, 1 July 2015

How do I Start a Blog and Make Money Online?.

How do I Start a Blog and Make Money Online?

  Who Should Use This Guide?.

It goes without saying that the following information  is for those that know 
 that hard work generates reward.
This guide is intended for anyone who is looking for an  answer to any of
 the following questions:
  • how do I setup a blog?
  • how to start a blog and maintain it?
Now, starting a blog is easy but in order to be able to  successfully monetize 
the blog, you need to establish the blog.  In this guide,
 I have also covered the topics that help you establish your blog
  so you can monetize it.
There is a lot of good content to go through, so it is a good idea to  bookmark 
this page so you can come back to it later and go over  the content at your own pace.
Here I'm using WordPress as an example. The working of all the Blogs Nearly same.

       Blog Setup (Getting started):.

  1. Getting a good domain name
  2. Getting a cheap and reliable web hosting solution
  3. Setup WordPress on your blog
  4. What WordPress plugins to use
  5. WordPress system integration 101
  6. Creating your blog posts
  7. Creating your blog pages
  8. Adding images to your blog
  9. Using WordPress’s media library

        Creating Content For Your Blog:.

           Establishing Your Blog:.

           Site Optimization:.


           Making Money from Your Blog:.


             Good Practices:.

           Useful Blogging Tips and Tricks:.

           Tools of The Trade:.

            To be update . . . . . . . . 
We will be writing and publishing the bits and pieces of how to  start a blog
 from scratch and make money online over the next few months as time permits.
If you have any questions feel free to leave  them in the comment section 
below and we will follow it up.

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